
Trinity United Methodist Church

Trustees Meeting, April 2, 2013

Attending:  Eric Lybeck, Vince Esparza, Jane Simmons, Dave Bybee, and Richard Dickson.  Scott Taylor from Finance also attended the meeting.  The meeting was opened with prayer at 7:30 pm.

Review of Church Finances & Trustee Budget:  Apart from salaries, maintenance for Trinity church and the parsonage represent a major portion of the expenditures for the first three months of 2013.  The repair costs for the sewer line at the parsonage have totaled about $9,000.  The cost for replacement of basement carpet damaged when the sewer back up should be covered by insurance.  Maintenance costs for Trinity church have totaled roughly $2,300, including snow removal, repair of leaking steam valves, plumbing repair and preventative maintenance on the elevator.  Costs for utilities (gas and electricity) have been comparable with previous years.  Insurance costs have been about $3,800.  The funds to repair the sewer were taken from the Capital Reserve Fund, leaving a balance of about $15,500.  Looking to the future, repairs are needed for the sanctuary roof.

Review of Minutes:  The minutes from the regular March 12, 2013 meeting were reviewed and unanimously approved.

Discussion of Annual Schedule:  The annual schedule of routine tasks lists the cleaning of the carpets at Trinity in April.  Parsonage jobs include turning on the sprinkler system, preparing the lawn equipment and a walk-through inspection.  The review of the Trustee files in the Secretaries office is a hold over from December.

Church Use Requests:  A request was received for the use of Mary Dawson Hall by the Japanese American Citizen’s League on May 18 (Sat).  The Trustee Chair has not been able to contact the requester.  The Trustees expressed their approval of the request and the Trustee Chairman will follow-up.

Status of Parsonage Jobs:  The status of several jobs at the parsonage was discussed.  No progress was reported on the selection of new carpet for the basement to replace the carpet damaged by the sewer backup.  The Trustee Chairman will contact the leadership of Troop 6 to discuss a service project to repair damage to the front lawn.  Junior G. has volunteered to tune-up the lawn mower, replace the battery and repair the brakes.  A bill of $500 was received for the repair of electrical problems at the parsonage, including replacement of two electric wall heaters.

The Trustees reviewed the report prepared by Jeff B. to document the repair of the sewer line at the parsonage.  He did an excellent job, and the information will now be available in the maintenance log for future reference. 

Trinity Repairs/Maintenance:  Wright Roofing has inspected the church roof and is preparing a bid for repair of the leaks.  The Trustee Chairman will contact Linda Milam to see if funds from the Hazel Skelton Trust can be used for repair of the roof.  Eric L. reported that the timer for the Elm Street marquee has been installed and wired.  An article written by Dave Bybee regarding the Trinity Safety Policy and need for the electronic door lock was published in the April Newsletter.

Insurance:  A payment of $642 was received in late March from Church Mutual as part of the claim for cleaning and drying after the sewer problem at the parsonage.

Memorial Funds:  Scott T. indicated that he is reviewing memorial gifts and will transfer funds to the Trustee memorial account.  Finance and the Trustees discussed the multiple separate accounts maintained by different organizations.  Awareness and management of these accounts will be raised at the next Church Council meeting by the Finance.

Other Business:  The Trustee Chairman will make calls and try to arrange for the change of signatures on the Safe Deposit Box at Wells Fargo Bank.

The meeting was adjourned about 8:45 pm.  The minutes were prepared by Richard Dickson.

Report on Roof and Window inspection

     Trinity United Methodist Church; 237 N. Water Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83402                                  208-522-7921; office@tumcif.org