
Trinity United Methodist Church

Trustee Minutes, April 22, 2012

Attending:  Eric Lybeck, Doug French, Cheryl Siedelmann, Jeff Bryant, Brenda Sene, Linda Milam (Brenda’s husband and son attended as guests)

Linda called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM and requested Brenda open the meeting with prayer.

Chair report:  The annual Idaho State Workman’s Comp Insurance notice has been received and submitted to the Church Treasurer.  There is no change from last year.  Linda discussed the coming change in fluorescent bulbs specifics; Rob will purchase a box of each of the two types used at Trinity, and gradually change over to the new type.  A keyboard and bell concert by a Boise-based duo has been scheduled for Trinity on July 10th at 7 PM.  Linda briefly reviewed the maintenance expenditures to date for Trinity and the parsonage.  Eric purchased a harness for Rob’s use when he is doing work on the church roof.

General discussion:  Eric recently completed an inspection of the parsonage and has compiled a list of minor repairs, as well as electrical and plumbing issues.  Brenda also mentioned problems with the dishwasher and that the lawn mower needs to be serviced.  The list was submitted to UMM and Hearts and Hammers will address some of the issues.  Within Trustees, Cheryl, Eric and Jeff volunteered to address some of the issues.  Professional services of a plumber, mason, and electrician will be needed for several of the others.  Linda will resubmit the list to the committee as issues are addressed and/or completed.

Minutes were prepared by Linda Milam

Email - 4/30/12 from Linda Milam - Parsonage dishwasher:

I have heard from Doug, Eric, and you; I think that is enough to move on with the purchase of a dishwasher.  Would you be able to take care of that?  Something in the $400 range?  There may be some sales in yesterday's paper, but ...

an alternative is to check out Blacker's....about 6 years ago, I needed a new washer/dryer.  I knew several people who had Maytag's and liked them, so I went over to Sears where I learned that they cost a whole lot more than the ones I'd bought 15 years earlier!  Anyway, I also learned that Maytag tells stores when they can have sales and how much they can charge.  So, decided to look around a bit, went to Blacker's and they had the PREVIOUS year's models for half the price.  I have been quite happy with them ever since.

If you cannot do, let me know....I have lots going on this week, so will try to get someone else if you cannot.

     Trinity United Methodist Church; 237 N. Water Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83402                                  208-522-7921; office@tumcif.org