
Trinity United Methodist Church

Trustees Meeting, June 4, 2013


      Final report on roof and widow inspection

      Pictures from inspection

      Architecht's report

Attending:  Dave Bybee, Cheryl Siedelmann and Richard Dickson.  Scott Taylor from Finance also attended the meeting.  The meeting was opened with prayer at 7:30 pm.

Jane Simmons has tenured her resignation from the Board of Trustees.  Nominations for the coming year are underway at Trinity.

Church Use Requests:  no new church use requests were received since the last Trustee meeting.

Review of Church Finances & Trustee Budget:  Church finances continue to be a concern.  Total assets at the end of May were down $11,500 from a year ago.  This reflects the repayment of credit cards and loans, use of designated funds for missions, and repair of the parsonage sewer line in January.  Income from pledges and giving are down $21,800 compared to last year.  The annual check from the Schaumleffel Foundation in the amount of $8,770 was received early this year. The treasurer reported that Trinity is running a deficit of about $1,500 each month.  No payments for conference apportionments have been made this year.

Discussion of Annual Schedule:  The annual schedule of routine tasks calls for shutting down the boiler and prioritizing maintenance needs for Trinity Church and the parsonage.  The information from the roof inspections and assessment report from the historical architect with the Idaho Heritage Trust is providing input for evaluating and establishing maintenance priorities at Trinity.

The review of the Trustee files in the Secretaries office remains a holdover task from December.

The Trustees will share our annual schedule of routine tasks with the Treasurer as a starting point for developing a reminder list for future years.

Status of Parsonage Jobs:  The carpet is scheduled for installation in the parsonage basement on Thursday (June 6).  Cheryl S. will talk with the pastor about other tasks that may need to be considered at the parsonage.

Trinity Repairs/Maintenance:  The maintenance engineer reported that the boiler was not shutting down properly about May 16.  The cause of the problem could not be determined, so the boiler repair company was called.  Repair costs were about $350.  The boiler has been shut down for the summer.  Dave B. contacted Design Gallery about the staining of the entryway carpet.  Design Gallery recommended Paul Davis to clean the entry way carpets.  Carpet cleaning of the entryway and parlor was completed at a cost of about $500.  However, the carpet at the front entry was noted to be very dirty and stained again at tonight’s meeting.  The Trustee chair will try cleaning this area again.

A letter was received from the historical architect and conservator discussing the inspection conducted by the Idaho Heritage Trust on April 24, 2013.  The letter recommends deep grouting/repointing of the masonry and counter flashing around the roof membranes to stop the roof leaks prior to taking on the task of restoring the stained glass windows.  These are both major tasks.  The important maintenance tasks (major and manageable short-term) are listed in a table at the end of these minutes.  The Trustees concurred with sending a copy of the inspection report prepared by the Trustee Chair that documents observations made during inspections of Trinity on April 18, 24 and 25, 2013, to Frederick Walters, historical architect; Katherine Kirk, Idaho Heritage Trust Executive Director; Judy Mortimer, Trustee of the Idaho Heritage Trust and S. Chastain, local preservationist interested in the stained-glass windows.  Cheryl S. will prepare an article for the Trinity Newsletter to inform the congregation of the results of the inspections and recommendations.  The report on the inspections and letter from the historical architect will be posted on the Trinity webpage so that others will have access to the information.

Dave Bybee reported that about $1500 has been donated toward the special fund set up to purchase the electronic door lock to assist with implementation of the Trinity Safety Policy.  A donation to the fund of $1000 was received from Flo Culbreth in memory of her husband, Cully Culbreth.  Dave plans to read the letter at worship services next Sunday.

Insurance:  The cost to replace the carpet at the parsonage was paid for from the memorial fund and will be reimbursed when the check is received from the insurance claim for the sewer backup in January 2013.

Memorial Funds:  The Cheryl S. and R. Dickson will meet at Trinity to update the memorial book in the parlor.

Other Business:  No other business was identified.  No progress has been made in arranging for changes to the signatures on the Safe Deposit Box at Wells Fargo.

The meeting was adjourned about 9:30 pm.  The minutes were prepared by Richard Dickson.

Important Maintenance Tasks

at Trinity & Parsonage (June 4, 2013)

Major Tasks

Manageable (Short-Term)Tasks

Counter Flashing of Roofs

Paint/Caulk Clerestory Pivot Windows

Deep Grouting/Repointing

Repair Caulking under Clerestory Windows

Sealing of Coping Stone Cross Joints

Re-route Downspout to Alley from Education Wing

Stained-Glass Window Restoration

Caulking of West Side of Education Wing Roof

Roof Drainage Issues

Membrane Roof on North Low Tower

Roof Membranes for High Towers

Repair hole in Asphalt Roofing at Base of N. High Tower Scupper

Repair of Trinity Chimney

Re-caulk Plexiglas on Clerestory Windows

Repair of Parsonage Chimney

     Trinity United Methodist Church; 237 N. Water Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83402                                  208-522-7921; office@tumcif.org