
Trinity United Methodist Church

Trustees Meeting, July 16, 2013

Attending:  Dave Bybee, Mike Bean, Eric Lybeck, Jeff Bryan, Richard Dickson, and Scott Taylor from Finance attended the meeting.  The meeting was opened with prayer By Dave at 7:35 pm.

Minutes:  Minutes from the June 4, 2013 meeting were reviewed and approved.

Board of Trustee Members:  Nominations of new members to the Board of Trustees were approved at the Charge Conference during Church Council meeting last Tuesday (July 9).  The new members for the Class of 2016 are Paul Robinson, Mike Bean, and Doug Stewart.  Vince Esparza tenured his resignation earlier this week.  Dave Bybee agreed to remain on the Board of Trustees as a member of the Class of 2015, and Jeff Bryan agreed remain and fill the vacancy in the Class of 2014.  Trustees currently have one vacancy in the Class of 2015.

Copies of the Annual Schedule, Basic Information List, Parsonage Maintenance Log, and Trinity Maintenance Log were provided to everyone for information and review.

Church Use Requests:  No new church use requests were received since the last Trustee meeting.  The current church use policy was discussed.  A question was raised about encouraging use of the sanctuary at the market rate for non-member weddings.  This could be a way to raise additional funds for the church budget.  No decision was made at this time.

Review of Church Finances & Trustee Budget:  Church finances are holding stable.  Overall for the year, we have $7,200 net profit.  No apportionments have been paid to the Conference for the year and the balance does not reflect the $9,000 capital expense for the parsonage sewer repair.  Pledges and regular offering remain about 20% down from last year.  The Trustees discussed arranging a meeting with the Endowment Committee to clarify the rules for use of the Skelton Fund for maintenance at Trinity.

Discussion of Annual Schedule:  The annual schedule of routine tasks calls for the review and prioritization of maintenance needs of Trinity Church and the parsonage.  Cheryl and Richard recently updated the memorial records.  The Trustee Chair will request Cheryl to provide a copy of the most recent Westmark Bank statement for the memorial fund to the Treasurer.

The Trustees’ annual schedule of routine tasks was provided to the Treasurer as a starting point for developing a consolidated list of important tasks for future years.

Status of Parsonage Jobs:  New carpet has been installed in the parsonage basement.  Additional jobs to consider at the parsonage are painting of the wooden trim and replacement of some heater thermostats.  The Trustee Chair was informed yesterday that the parsonage dryer was not working.  Nick’s Appliance Repair was contacted.  A loose wire was repaired and lent was removed.  Cost of the repair was $86.

Trinity Repairs/Maintenance:  The Trustees discussed the carpet at the entrance to Trinity.  The Trustee chair cleaned the carpet last month; however some staining has reappeared.  Mike discussed the carpet staining with Design Gallery personnel, and had some outdoor carpet samples for evaluation.  Design Gallery recommended a variegated outdoor carpet just outside the door to collect dirt.  A rubber mat should be placed inside the door to collect water from feet.  In addition, the stained carpet squares can be easily replaced with new ones.  Mike will inquire about the cost of another box of carpet squares and variegated carpet.

The list of major and minor tasks developed at the June 4, 2013 meeting was discussed (and is attached to these minutes).  Additional options for dealing with the roof leaks were proposed, including the use of W. R. R. Grace Ice and Water Shield underlayment.  Additional information is needed to determine if this product is appropriate for the roofing problems at Trinity.

The Treasurer checked on donations to the Culbreth Security System and reported that approximately $2,400 had been received.  Dave B. gave the system specifications to Omni Security for review earlier this week.  Dave moved that Omni Security be instructed to proceed with the installation of the security system if they were able to meet the specifications and the cost did not exceed the original bid of $2,700.  The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

The possibility of asking the City of Idaho Falls to perform an energy audit of Trinity Church was discussed.  The audit is free of charge.  The annual electric bill for the last few years has been between about $3,200 to $3,400.  Improved lighting fixtures can be installed to reduce electrical use, and zero interest loans are available that can be repaid from utility savings.  Mike B. will check on additional details of the program.

Insurance:  Jeff B. needs to receive information and receipts for the installation of carpet at the parsonage so that it can be submitted to the insurance company.

Memorial Funds:  Cheryl S. and Richard D. meet at Trinity to update the memorial book in the parlor in June.

Other Business:  No other business was identified.  

The meeting was adjourned about 9:30 pm.  The minutes were prepared by Richard Dickson.

Important Maintenance Tasks

at Trinity & Parsonage (June 4, 2013)

Major Tasks

Manageable (Short-Term)Tasks

Counter Flashing of Roofs

Paint/Caulk Clerestory Pivot Windows

Deep Grouting/Repointing

Repair Caulking under Clerestory Windows

Sealing of Coping Stone Cross Joints

Re-route Downspout to Alley from Education Wing

Stained-Glass Window Restoration

Caulking of West Side of Education Wing Roof

Roof Drainage Issues

Membrane Roof on North Low Tower

Roof Membranes for High Towers

Repair hole in Asphalt Roofing at Base of N. High Tower Scupper

Repair of Trinity Chimney

Re-caulk Plexiglas on Clerestory Windows

Repair of Parsonage Chimney

     Trinity United Methodist Church; 237 N. Water Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83402                                  208-522-7921; office@tumcif.org