


      The meeting was called to order by Chairman Patti Edwards.  Following an opening prayer, Patti read from Philippians 1: 9 - 11 which talked about what is best and Paul gives a way to do this: it begins with love and knowledge and then insight.  Everyone read together the Covenant of Respect as  printed.  Present for the meeting were Pastor Brenda Sene, Don Taylor, Marilyn Taylor, Patti Edwards, Amanda McClure, Cheryl O'Brien, Richard Dickson, Robin Stewart, Diane Croson and Gene Summers.

       Marilyn Taylor moved that the September minutes be accepted as corrected:  Ben Langhorst wants to be involved "less, but not lead" the youth.

       FINANCES:  Patti Edwards reviewed the finances.

       SURVEY:  Patti had put together a draft survey concerning the Sunday morning services:  Keep the blended service, Go back to both Praise and Rejoice and Traditional or Other options.  The draft survey was  discussed, suggestions were made and Patti will finalize the form.

       OUTREACH:  discussion was held about the printed current printed Outreach which Amanda McClure presented.  Articles are to be submitted to Amanda, however, Shanda Walker will forward those sent to the office.

       Patti Edwards handed out guidelines from the United Methodist Church to the appropriate leaders.

       CHERYL O'BRIEN:  The Safe Sanctuary training for volunteers and teachers is being coordinated.

       NEW BUSINESS:  Richard Dickson had a note from Scott Taylor about money in the security system account and its use and/or disposal.  A question was also raised as to who manages the endowment committee trusts.  Discussion followed.  Patti Edwards will research these concerns.

         Diane Croson inquired about the fact that music is not included in the endowments so will propose a plan at the church conference.  A report is needed for Church Conference and Diane wondered how to do this.  Discussion again followed.

        Gene Summers asked how to find names and contact information about the children who attended VBS in order to invite them to Sunday School.

        Patti Edwards had an e-mail from the Sage District office for on line trainings.   They are for six weeks from November 6th to December 18th.  Persons interested should e-mail Charlotte Hartman at the Sage District office.

        Church Conference will be Tuesday, November 12th at 7:30 p.m.

         The closing prayer was given by Gene Summers.   The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m.


Marilyn Taylor, Secretary



            Thanks to the contribution of items by many people, the labor of many people and the customers who bought, the recent rummage sale was a success.

          Linda Moore presented a program about her experiences as a VIM in Brazil  at the October Unit meeting.  The November unit meeting program is on Immigration in the Bible and beyond.

 December 8th will be the annual Holiday Treat Sale. 

   Marilyn Taylor, President



         The Missions Committee meets regularly on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30.   At a recent meeting, small hygiene bags were prepared with items people have brought back from their travels....soaps, shampoo, conditioner and lotions.   Anyone traveling is invited to bring these items to be passed on to others, especially considering that hygiene products are not included in food stamp and other programs.  Guests at the Soup Kitchen had the opportunity to have the bags for their use.

         TUMC has received a certificate for contributions to Church World Service and a certificate is posted on the Missions bulletin board.  There is also a chart showing where  UMCOR works during disasters.

Marilyn Taylor, Chairma

     Trinity United Methodist Church; 237 N. Water Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83402                                  208-522-7921; office@tumcif.org