


      The meeting was called to order by Chairman Patti Edwards.  Present for the meeting were Patti Edwards, Cheryl O'Brien, Diane Croson, Robin Stewart, Scott Taylor, Don Taylor, Pastor Brenda Sene, David Bybee, Gene Summers and Marilyn Taylor.  Patti led the group in prayer and read from Genesis 28:15.

     MINUTES of the December meeting were read and approved.

     FINANCE:  Scott Taylor reviewed the finances.  The Christmas Eve offering was close to $3,000. $1,050 was donated toward apportionments.  About half of the asking for the apportionments has been paid:  $17,209.00.  The bereavement funds are almost depleted.    Scott distributed a proposed budget and after discussion (including moving expenses for the pastor, bell choir director, parsonage repairs)  adjustments will be made and the next proposed budget will be presented at the February meeting of Church Council.

     UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  Discussion was held about "The Rock" at the scout headquarters.  Robin Stewart is working on a letter to go to the Traditional Scout troops.

       Diane Croson spoke about the need to have bank accounts more efficiently handled.  Diane Croson, Patti Edwards, Scott Taylor and Richard Dickson were to confer about this following the meeting.

     NEW BUSINESS:  Cheryl O'Brien said that she feels that the church should sell the parsonage.  She has looked into what the church is allowed to do with the finances from such a sale.  An Ad Hoc committee of David Bybee, Christy Southwick (to be asked),  Eric Lybeck (to be asked) and someone from SPRC and Trustees  will be the committee to study the situation and all of its facets.

      SPRC:  Cheryl O'Brien asked who chooses the next director for the Bell Choir.  There was discussion; she will contact Jim Dahlgran for a job description and where ads can be placed for a director.

      UMM:  Gene Summers said that the UMM will be discontinued, however, there will still be the Hearts and Hammers in the spring and the fall.   There will still be camping, but maybe not softball.

      EDUCATION:  Gene Summers said that the Sunday School is going pretty well with a few problems.  The Youth Sunday School is going strong.  There will be a Youth Dinner on February 15th.   On Palm Sunday afternoon the young people will be performing "100% Chance of Rain" in a dinner theater setting in Mary Dawson Hall.

         The February meeting of Church Council will be February 13th.  Gene Summers offered the closing prayer.   The meeting was adjourned.


   Marilyn Taylor, Secretary

MISSIONS:   The Missions meeting will be Thursday, February 13th at 6:30 p.m.  Reports will be heard from members of the committee and two quilts will be tied to be taken to The Haven.  The committee will be looking at possible activities to promote food for the Soup Kitchen,  UMCOR and No More Malaria.  

Marilyn Taylor, Chairman.

     Trinity United Methodist Church; 237 N. Water Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83402                   208-522-7921        TrinityUMCIdahoFalls@gmail.com