


        The meeting was called to order by Chairman Patti Edwards.  Present for the meeting were Patti Edwards ,Cheryl O'Brien, Diane Croson, Robin  Stewart, Scott Taylor and Marilyn Taylor.  Many prayer concerns were shared.  Patti read from Isaiah 43: 1-3a.

          MINUTES of the November meeting were read and approved.

          FINANCE:  Scott Taylor reviewed the finances. $5,118 and $4,000 have been donated through Pay Pal.  Things look better than last year; more money came in than was spent.  Apportionments have not been paid.  Scott is working on the formal budget to be presented in January.

          SPRC:  no changes have been made to Pastor Brenda's salary.  2% raise for Rob Denkins and Shanda Walker....they have had no increase for two years.

          UNFINISHED BUSINESS:  At the 2012 Charge Conference, members shared about what they'd like to see accomplished by the end of 2013.  Accomplished were:  a take home page for Sunday School for non-attendees with consideration as to the website or paper were more effective, Staff safety policy is in place and there is less dependence on Jared Sene for the sound room:  others are being trained.

         Not accomplished or completed were:  improvement of the AV ability/tech, a visitation program of some kind, decisions on the parsonage:  sewer problems, chimney mortar in bad shape and finishing goals and objectives (to be looked at again in January, 2014.)

         NEW BUSINESS:  none

         OTHER:  Marilyn Taylor commented on the success of the bell concerts and ensemble ringing around the area during December.

            Scott Taylor said that the Scouts donated $750.00 to the Pastor's Emergency Fund.

            Robin Stewart commented about The Rock in front of the Scout headquarters that is causing a stir;  a letter needs to be crafted that refers to the TRADITIONAL scout units that are also part of the total scouting program in the area.

         TUMC is back to two Sunday morning worship services.

       In the January Council meeting we will look at the budget, vote on apportionments, discuss a letter to the Scout office and work on Goals and Objectives.

        Cheryl O'Brien offered the closing prayer.   The meeting was adjourned.

Marilyn Taylor, Secretary


       A successful Holiday Treat Sale was held in December; many people participated in many ways to assist in raising money to be used for programs that benefit children, women and youth.  At the December Unit meeting, officers were installed for 2014, a handbell ensemble from St. Luke's rang, an offering was taken and given to Ruth House, a memorial service was held and the 2014 budget was approved.

       January 12th is UMW Sunday and members will (did) assist in both services as greeters, ushers, liturgist, worship leader and sermon.

       For a multitude of reasons, the UMW will NOT have a rummage sale in the fall.  In its place will be a "Fall Event" with mini-bazaar and a luncheon.

Marilyn Taylor, Vice President, UMW



    Members of the Missions committee tied two youth quilts during the last meeting.  These were taken to The Haven along with a denim quilt, another quilt, an afghan, some sweaters and some books...in time for Christmas.   Many people brought mittens, gloves and scarves for the Mitten Tree and these will be taken to Bush School when the group goes there in January to give away books.

Marilyn Taylor, Chairman

     Trinity United Methodist Church; 237 N. Water Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83402                                  208-522-7921; office@tumcif.org