
Narcotics Anonymous continuing use.

Email from Richard Dickson:  Shanda,

Would you forward this email to Patti Edwards?  Church Council will also need to approve the request for a regular meeting time.  I placed the signed Reservation Request in your mail box.

Richard Dickson


The Trustees received a reservation request for an on-going use of a meeting room for a Narcotics Anonymous group.  This is a 12-step program like AA.  The group leader will be Matt Sabine.  He said they just need a consistent meeting room, chairs and a coffee pot.  Matt moved to Idaho Falls with his wife about 4 months ago.  He has been involved with Narcotics Anonymous for about 10 years and ran meetings at a Methodist Church in Meridian for the last 3 years.  Matt intends to lead the group for at least 6 months and will lock/unlock the church.  Once the group is established, Matt will turn leadership over to someone else in the group.  When that occurs, the group will contact the church.  We discussed fees, and Matt says they would like to make “donations.”  Based on his past experience, the donations have typically been $20 to $30 per month.

As a non-profit community group, this use is consistent with Trinity’s overall mission.  When contacted, some of the Trustees raised a question about using the church on Wednesday evening.  That’s a very busy evening with boy scouts, one of the ladies circles and others using the church that night.  Based on the input, I proposed three alternative evenings.  Monday evening would be Matt’s first choice (with the other alternatives being Saturday or Friday evenings).  The Monday evening meeting time resolved the question raised by the Trustees.  A few of the Trustees met Sunday morning (Oct. 21) after the 11 am service and we reached consensus on approving the request to use the church on Monday evening (with less desirable alternatives of meeting on Saturday or Friday evenings).  I’ve attached a signed copy of the Use Request form.

As I understand the policy on church use, Church Council also needs to approve a request for a regular (recurring) meeting.  I’m willing to present the Trustee’s recommendation at the next meeting on November 13, 2012, but was wondering if there is any way to expedite the approval.  (The original request was made on Sep 29.)  Please let me know what you think.


     Trinity United Methodist Church; 237 N. Water Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83402                                  208-522-7921; office@tumcif.org